What are the Musical Notes of Gor-Science and Realism?

What are the Musical Notes of Gor-Science and Realism?

(The image presented is a SAMPLE, not the Musical Notes as such)

The Gor spectral language has its sound vibrations that decorate the Cirmayanic language, these musical notes are and belong to the dimension of Acrosnica architecture, therefore their sound value and position in the basic musical compass of the first dimension are not the same in the instruments. of string to generate the sound of the musical notes of the Gor Language.

Likewise, it should be mentioned that these notes belong to and are born in the literary concept called Cirmayanico of the works "Cirmayadad" which are the written testaments of Archons, Prophets, Arcturians, Reptilians, Specters and other spiritual Entities that walk in this first dimension intersecting in the human act through the unconscious and the magnetic poles of the human body.

In the same way we have described what the Gor language is by showing a manuscript of the books "Cirmayadad: The Circus of the Angels" where there are prayers and fragments of this language but it is the book "Cirmayadad: The book of prayers and the kingdom of Acros" where you can read, breathe everything in the Gor language and symbols of the Acrosnica Architecture.

We will take a few words from the introduction of the book of prayers that is written with the Acrosnic symbology which builds a map of Nadonic architecture that is the Base to open the portals to the world of the ancient and eternal ascended sages and unborn souls. On the plane of the first dimension, the energy that feeds the experiment called Humanity transits and lives in these worlds.

We can say that every musical sound opens a portal in the human brain, a conventional and basic note such as: Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La and Si - They give a sound frequency that can be pleasant, others can generate sadness. and anger, others awaken the strength, passion and all the emotions of a creature of flesh and blood, but the Acrosonic musical notes of the Gor language seek to open psychic portals of photo-electric contact with the planes where the entities mentioned above transit, such as the Arcturians, Reptilians, Acrosonic and Cirmayanic Prophets, Archons and their teachers approaching where the timeless fractional specters live.

To understand these entities you have to read their version of what the Archons and other entities described in the aforementioned books are.


The concept of musical notes of the Gor Language is a set of vibrations at spectral frequencies written by the entities of spiritual intelligence that inhabit the kingdom of Acros and temporary apparitions disguising human reality in a spectacle of emotions caused chemically by the brain. of those who live prisoners in their first dimension.

The Go and Falor fusion are two frequencies that are genetically linked and hidden in the neurotransmitter base of the hypothalamus using the energy channeling points that humans call chakras to create a base for receiving and expanding musical notes.

These current reception points such as Aeter energy transmission antennas that are free to use in the air making the Gor frequencies act as a purifier of the electric fields of human cells, achieving through a chemical-electrical process that the acrosonic architecture The sound that is in the hypothalamus becomes genetically visible in the human brain.

By converting the chemical-electrical stimulation, the brain will be able to transmute that sound plane of the Kingdom of Acros so that everyone can use the Aether as a source of chemical-electrical healing of the human body.

The Gor Language in its written and spoken dialect with word codes that open the fields of the human aura to the spectral energies that surround us, every being that is physically dead leaves you an energetic frequency that is unified on the great plane of the acrosonic sound architecture. .

In this sound plane of high frequencies and low spectral vibration are the temporal codes that will allow us to be in contact with our ancient souls that have accompanied us on the journey that has allowed us to be part of the 5th evolution of the species.

We just have to remember something very basic that a human being is a physical body made of flesh, bones, blood, water and that carries electromanetism, being a living antenna that captures spectral energies when it is educated and genetically prepared to be in contact with the frequencies in the acrosonic sound architectural plan of the Gor language (Energy is not destroyed, it is only transformed)