What is the Gor Language?

What is the Gor Language?

Entering into the plastic and literary world of Carlos Paredes Colin is very exciting, captivating and it is like immersing yourself in a world where nothing we read seems close to the human world, in fact, sometimes it gives the impression that we are talking to a hybrid or simply with a creature that remained in the forgotten time of that time when the Gods of the Sumerians existed, it is magical to read the Gor language, it is a language that he speaks very fluently in which he has built a semantics, color, forms and breathing to pronounce it and for people far from the world of the arts they seem simply scribbles of a character who is not in his right mind, but as he himself says: "My work is directed for the next human generation; the 5th evolution."

This language is a language that he says is spoken by the ancient demigods and the first 13 prophets of the great Architecture that he calls Arosnic Architecture, one could say that he has it in his vocabulary as a dead language, one of those languages ​​that today Nobody can translate them and in fact when reading their language and seeing their manuscripts you feel that you go back to times before the time we know, in the same way in their writings in Spanish they talk to us about fractal times where the numerical reason is not a reason of existence but rather it is a reason of quantum emotional thought where the soul of a living or dead being only travels through the reason of that bearer of its ancient voice.

When seeing his manuscripts on Gor with Acrosnica symbolism we can see glimpses of past times where the entities of primary thought walked near the Sun of the occultists who invaded the fractal worlds of the first children of Ophtalanif called by him as the first prophet of quantum time.

The 5th evolution is a genetic-spiritual revolution that lies dormant in the blood of humans, every time we are born in this fractal time our spiritual essences meet again with their carno-numeric essences to dance the great dance of allusions called temporary memories.

As lost children of our voices we wander between the vigil of our reason and the opportunity to emigrate within the numeric tables of the ascending Sun of the prophet Oftalanif, perhaps we should go again to encounter the reasons that do not exist outside of animal logic, because They will ask themselves, simply as he says: "Knowing the color of your soul will take you to the plane that your old life has created in fractal reasons"