Ekaterina Kuzmina

Ekaterina Kuzmina

Born in 1977 in Leningrad (Saint Petersburg), where I still live and work.
My higher education diplomas say: engineer in low-temperature engineering and physics and translator of technical English.
My mother, a professional artist, taught me painting; she is still my main advisor and critic. Back then, as a child, drawing seemed so simple, unimportant and self-sensible to me. But after all, any person makes mistakes on their own)....

Personal exhibitions:
-October 2023 - "Thoughts on the meaning", LenDoc gallery, Saint Petersburg, Kryukov canal embankment, 12
-September 2022 - "Thinking with a brush on canvas", in the art space of the Nevskaya Palitra Art Complex, Saint Petersburg, Obvodny Canal Embankment, 136
-July 2017 - "Dance of colors", GRIBOEDOV HILL club, Saint Petersburg, st. Voronezhskaya 2A

Contemporary art fairs:
- March 2024 - ARTANKARA, ATO CONRESIUM Congress and Exhibition Palace, Turkey, Ankara, Sogutozu, Sogutozu Kd. No. 06510 Cankaya
- May 2022 – ArtFestSpb, SevkabelPort, St. Petersburg, Kozhevennaya Liniya 40
- 2019, 2020, 2021 – «ART REVOLUTION TAIPEY», Taipei World Trade Center, Hall 1, Taiwan, Taipei, Sinki St. 5
- February 2020 – «Ponaehali», Expo-Forum Exhibition Complex, St. Petersburg, Peterburgskoe Shosse 64/1

More than 100 group exhibitions in Russia, China, Turkey, UAE, Peru

1. Paper Time, 35*100cm, canvas, oil, 2024
2. Reflection Distortion, 60*80cm, canvas, mixed media, 2024
3. Music, 90*70cm, canvas, oil, 2021
4. Memory, F85, canvas, mixed media, 2023
5. The Fifth Element, 100*70cm, canvas, oil, 2023
6. Guardians, 50*100cm, canvas, oil, 2021
7. Geometry of Bondage, 90*60cm, canvas, oil, 2020
8. Apple Constellation, 90*70cm, canvas, oil, 2021
9. Captive to Anxiety, 70*90cm, canvas, oil, 2022
10. Love is Blind, 120*80cm, canvas, oil, 2021

The artists and works of art selected on these pages are by:

Carlos Paredes Colin

Artist and Creator of Gor-Science and Realism

Painting_Crystal Constanza Paredes

Artist, Writer and Graphic Design Student