Choro Novo

Choro Novo

In their new album, Choro Novo shares experiences and sound experiments built in streets, squares, schools and Brazilian stages.

Scripts, arrangements, repertoires and performances created by starting from contact with the listener and listening that seeks to understand and learn from the audience, and the sounds they tell about their stories, affections, places and memories - a complex plot that brings together sound diversity and different daily lives, in a common repertoire-album trajectory.

In this spirit, Abel Luiz (cavaquinho, mandolin, viola caipira and tenor guitar), Marlon Mouzer (seven-string guitar) and Reinaldo Pestana (drums and percussion), present Choro's new album New, “Sound Dialogues” – sound that is the result of conversation and listening of our city, of the lives that inhabit them, and of the charms and extraordinary meetings promoted by Encantado Brasileiros such as: Mestre Siqueira, Lô Borges, Sivuca, Rita Lee, Nelson Cavaquinho, Fenando Brant, Guilherme de Brito, Chico Buarque, João Bosco, Raul Seixas, Milton Nascimento, Waldir Azevedo, Gonzaguinha, Ernesto Nazareth, Arnaldo Baptista, Joel Nascimento, Claudio Roberto, Teca Calazans, Marcio Borges, Villa Lobos and Aldir White.

Finally, below is a record dedicated to our Brasil Sonoro, diverse and profound, full of “Sound Dialogues”, dedicated to All the Children of Brazil and the World, portrayed in the work of Fernando Diniz, kindly provided by the Museum of Images of the Unconscious, which illustrates our second album.

Happy listening!!!

(Rio de Janeiro, March 26, 2023)


1- Brejeiro (Ernesto Nazareth)

2- Cavaquinho em Prantos (Mestre Siqueira)

3- Hansel and Gretel (Sivuca – Chico Buarque)

4- Up and Down (Waldir Azevedo)

5- Ballad of the Crazy (Rita Lee – Arnado Baptista) /

Crazy Beauty (Raul Seixas – Cláudio Roberto)

6- Drops of Moonlight (Nelson Cavaquinho – Guilherme de Brito)

7- Yeah (Gonzaguinha)

8- I don't know why... (Joel Nascimento)

9- Caicó (Heitor Villa Lobos - Teca Calazans – Milton


10- For Lennon and McCartney (Lô Borges - Fernando Brant

– Marcio Borges)

11- Incompatibility of Geniuses (Aldir Blanc – João Bosco)

12- Bullet with Bullet (Aldir Blanc – João Bosco)

13- Ronco da Cuíca (Aldir Blanc – João Bosco)

You can find him in:

The artists and works of art selected on these pages are by:

Carlos Paredes Colin

Artist and Creator of Gor-Science and Realism

Painting_Crystal Constanza Paredes

Artist, Writer and Graphic Design Student